Unisat New Liquor Shop i Ajman

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede Arabiske EmiraterUnisat New Liquor Shop



🕗 åbningstider

S134, Ajman, AE United Arab Emirates
kontakter telefon: +971 56 119 9527
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Latitude: 25.3709987, Longitude: 55.4694624

kommentar 5

  • Jester



    It's really out of the way, but even though it is, it's always full of people from, literally, all over UAE. This is the shop you go to when all shops in UAE closed up at 9 and you need your fix for the night. It's not very hard to find, but once you're in the area you'll probably wonder how and why. I don't know the answer to how and why they're in that area, but hey, it's out of the way, and it's easily accessible, personally not complaining.

  • Varun Mummigatti

    Varun Mummigatti


    No photos allowed. But it's like a hypermarket for booze, I've never seen such a collection like this even in India ! Watch out ! There are some shady Arabs(mostly non-emiratis) who wait there and sometimes follow you to the border of Sharjah or Dubai and hit your car after which extorting you into giving them money or they will report you.(only for Sharjah and Dubai commuters). This is mostly for the other Unisats in Ajman especially the other industrial area one.

  • en

    Ashwin C Mohan


    All brands with more stock's... Easy to access

  • en

    Sachin Gandhi


    A decent duty free store. Good choices and good prices. The selections and size not as big as barracuda but comparable to cellars

  • Alaa Fawzat Sahawneh

    Alaa Fawzat Sahawneh


    Good place to buy liquor bit not a big collection and the place is medium-sized close to sharjah .

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