Salem Al Mutawa Mosque i Khor Fakkan

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Forenede Arabiske EmiraterSalem Al Mutawa Mosque


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Khor Fakkan - United Arab Emirates
kontakter telefon: +971 6 505 5888
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Latitude: 25.3481875, Longitude: 56.3576301

kommentar 5

  • M Asim Yamaan

    M Asim Yamaan


    I love and miss this masjid

  • arshad ali

    arshad ali


    Culture and historical place gracefull to vist

  • Sultan Al Zaabi

    Sultan Al Zaabi


    I’ always wanted to visit the site that appears on the 5 dirhams bill

  • Nasser Alkhlaifi

    Nasser Alkhlaifi


    A good place to visit. Here are some photos taken by me.

  • Yaz



    We always see this mosque in the UAE five dirhams money note, but not realizing that this mosque still exist... Salem Al Motawa Mosque is renovated a few years ago and it is located in the old area of Khorfakkan on the UAE east coast just before the city’s sea port. This mosque used to be “Madrasa” school where people go learn Quran and other basic school topics. People say that it was built originally some 500 years ago... It is a quite place and a short walk in the area can lead you to some other old ruins and residential areas.

nærmeste Moske

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