R B D Technical Services LLC Ac Washing Deryer Repair i Dubai

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Forenede Arabiske EmiraterR B D Technical Services LLC Ac Washing Deryer Repair



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Ahmd Malk Sahni Shop 4 Al Satwa, Dubai Phon 056 2270856 - Dubai - United Arab Emirates
kontakter telefon: +971 56 227 0856
internet side: www.rbdrepair.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 25.225327, Longitude: 55.273723

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mansoor Ahmad


    Good servising

  • saran nare

    saran nare


    Dear all, Am here to inform you all that RDB technical services run by Mr. Danish is a fraudulent company to be not at all trusted . I ended up with huge loss and mentally disturbed for a while after their fraudulent services. I am a student , once happened to call this RDB to fix my fridge. They inspected my fridge saying that the compressor has to be changed which will cost around 500 Aed. As everyone knows that nowadays its impossible to survive without fridge, i was bound to agree to their conditions. Rather changing the compressor, they just filled the gas and gave it to me back claiming the compressor charges.which worked only for a week. Then i had to call another technician to check the same and came to know that RDB has cheated me by only filling the gas and charged 500 aed for replacing the compressor. I tried to reach them lot of times. But they are very reluctant and abusive .They never returned my money despite of continuous phone calls. I request you all not to believe this bunch of idiots with any sort of hope.Eventually you will end up in huge disappointment. Finally i had to buy a new fridge. NEVER EVER TRUST THIS BUNCH OF IDIOTS FROM RDB. THEY ARE THE GANG OF ROGUES. Mr. DANISH AND HIS COMPANIONS ARE TO BE PUNISHED BY DUBAI POLICE FOR COMMITTING SUCH KIND OF CRIMES AND DISOWNING THE PEOPLE OF DUBAI. I HAVE ALL THE PROOF ALONG WITH RECORDED TELECOM.

  • en

    Rizwan Mughal


    R b d is good company good service

  • Moh Rajjab

    Moh Rajjab


    Good your services thanks nice works

  • en

    ali mzhr


    home appliance repairing in satwa Dubai in shop good work electrical

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