Pizza Hut i كلباء

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede Arabiske EmiraterPizza Hut



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Cornich Street,Kalba - إمارة الشارقةّ - United Arab Emirates
kontakter telefon: +971 600 569999
internet side:
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Latitude: 25.0695583, Longitude: 56.3597272

kommentar 5

  • Sara Puckett

    Sara Puckett


    Located opposite Buhaira Corniche, one can have various varieties of Pizza with fresh garlic breads, french fries, fresh & unlimited salad, juices..Its an experience to have theses feasts with a company of nice panoramic view of Sharjah night life. I go to this Pizza Hut every now and then with a small group and we always have a good time and they have great deals for groups and we find the service here quite good.

  • Sarath Babu Engoor

    Sarath Babu Engoor


    peaceful ambience, don't forget to utilize Tuesday buy one get one offer 😋

  • lester si

    lester si


    Your delivery doesnt know kalba, sharja!!! I cancelled my order!

  • Sashulya Volkova

    Sashulya Volkova


    I been there with my colleagues. its a great place for hang out. we enjoyed much. its middle of the city, so easy access for everyone. I have no comment on pizza hut but only perfect in everything, it's my favorite restaurant in every place including their nice place in Fujairah. Very friendly staff, tasty pizza & side appetizers. Thumbs up

  • Dream Trip

    Dream Trip


    They need to be more faster..that's

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