Al Yaqoot Restaurant Kalba مطعم الياقوت كلباء - Near ADIB Bank i كلباء

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Forenede Arabiske EmiraterAl Yaqoot Restaurant Kalba مطعم الياقوت كلباء - Near ADIB Bank



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Near ADIB bank - إمارة الشارقةّ - United Arab Emirates
kontakter telefon: +971 54 420 0506
internet side:
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Latitude: 25.0312695, Longitude: 56.3496701

kommentar 5

  • Rahana Shahabas

    Rahana Shahabas


    Very good restaurant. Really tasty food. Best option in kalba for best quality food. Newly open resturant

  • QubeStay Hostels

    QubeStay Hostels


    مطعم الياقوت , Good restaurant near ADIB bank kalba.. tasty Arabian food. Grill items are good. clean place

  • Shamim Ahmed

    Shamim Ahmed


    One of the best oriental restraunts I've ever been to. The ambience, the lighting, seating, music etc. of the place is an average fine dine kind of a setup. But they do not fall short of a satisfying fine dining experience in the taste department. The great aftertaste of their dishes lasts way longer in your mouth than it takes to go down your food pipe. The absolute superstar of theirs is an their AMAZING desserts arsenal. If you do not have desserts while you're here, you might as well commit a felony and jaywalk on the streets.

  • Karimganj Multimedia

    Karimganj Multimedia


    What a joy to find such a wonderful breakfast buffet, there are so many choices, both Western and Indian it was hard to decide what to opt for. In the end I settled for a plate of fresh fruit then some South Indian breakfast specialities. The quality of the food was absolutely amazing, and better yet, cheap, or in my case free, as it was included in my room rate. Staff are plentiful and keen to please. What a great way to start the day!

  • KM Official

    KM Official


    Simply authentic. The quality of the food is amazing and service time is appreciable. The ambience is a bit noisy due to rush but it all adds up to the overall experience. One of the best places to have Chinese food for sure. Highly recommended.

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